Monday, April 6, 2009

SPOTTED: WC having Raja Ayam Penyet

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SpOttEd : WC, current debater from Swinburne having Ayam Penyet. What seems to be interesting is that after complaining the spiciness of the sambal which was provided he went on to order another air bandung and came back with another saucer full of sambal. His tolerance for spicy food is known to be high up, doubt if anyone one of us expected it to that high up.

On a lighter note, the Kuching Debate League for the month of April has been cancelled.
Is this an April fool's joke from IPBL? April Fools is way over ladies and gentlemen.
Debaters from most institution wonders why. We were told that its a rotationale event but seems that IPBL has yet to do their share. We shall wait and see then.

Good Luck to UiTM, Sarawak Debaters in their final exams this month.

Till Next time...xoxoxo

Thursday, April 2, 2009

April Fool's Birthday Boy

Jonny Boy, formerly INTI College ,De House Debater now turned Swinburne Debater celebrated his 22nd birthday yesterday, talk about being born as a joke.In conjunction with April Fools a lil prank undergone since the day before where he almost "jizzed" in his pants when two friends pretended to be in a serious argument and that he was in the middle of crossfire.

As ritual a face full of cake and cream is always a must and he got it @ Hijau, BDC where both his friends argued in front of him and almost fought...only after a while did he realize that it was an elaborate April Fool's joke when Heirul spilled the line :" I can't believe that you're pissed off juz because I said your toytoy itchy"

Jonny boy, you know you love that joke and you love us even more..haha...

Happy Birthday Jonny Boy!

Till Next time.. xoxoxo

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

SPOTTED:Michelle, the Jambu Girl

M: All work and no play?

SPOTTED: Our fellow debater from INTI, Michelle was spotted serving plates and glasses in the comfy Jambu Restaurant. But not all is glam and fab - as M confessed of her financial struggles in her blog. While the maiden is ill, where is the knight in the shining armour?

Halfway across the City, the peasants and nobles of IPBL are up for a show - the next Kuching Debating League. Started by INTI's Debating Club, Da House - it soon caught momentum of circuits through the institutions in Kuching.

Rumour has it, that UiTM was supposed to hold the next tournament. But what happened between then and now is still in a muddy chapters. But no worries, I'll soon scoop my nose low enough to smell the news. But not to close, smudges are detectable.

Till then, XOXO.